…bsp;             The blue serene and smiling heaven.




                                       Diamond and lotus



     At school Oleg Tumanov preferred mathematics and physics to Russian and English language or literature, though after school he graduated from a Linguistic University as an interpreter and later became a Russian-English poet.

     He returned to Mathematics parallel to his spiritual researches on the basis of idealist philosophy. Multi-dimensional space explained the existence of subtle worlds and heaven, the after-death perspective of a soul. And telepathy, teleportation as phenomena, proving this idea. 

Than when he studied space it explained UFO ability to appear and disappear instantly in any point of earthly space and their ability to fly to us from other stars and galaxies.

     As an astrologer he discovered a mathematical key to the structure of the Solar System. All periods of planets were golden harmonics of 360-year cycle, known in astrology as directions. Harmonics – 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29 etc - are ratios of Fibonacci numbers - 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 etc - like the famous golden proportion, only at longer distance between the numbers – 1:1=1, 3:1=3, 8:2=4, 21:3=7, 55:5=11 etc. Each harmonic is the sum of the previous two, so their sequence can be easily calculated and continued by simple addition. When you divide 360 years by this numbers, you get very exactly the actual periods of all planets from Mercury to Pluto and further on to the recently discovered Eris and Sedna. Harmonics as the development of golden proportion are keys to harmony in nature to. All esthetical forms in art have the proportion of close Fibonacci numbers ½, 2/3, 3/5, 5/8 or 1/3, 2/5, 3/8 etc. This is the key to beauty, subconsciously used by all geniuses and consciously by Tumanov in his main collections of verses. Each verse has 34 lines and the whole collection has 29 verses in English and 47 (29+18) in Russian. Together this is one work called “Earth and Heaven”, devoted to his religious development and results. 

     Another proof of multi-dimensional space he found in astronomy. Galaxies run away with higher speeds at longer distances. That is possible only if they are accelerated by some force, but no such forces exist in physical world so they must be subtle - aether and astral. Aether is the four-dimensional world, causing any growth in nature (for example, of plants). Astral is the five-dimensional world of distant interaction, making the whole universe one system and explaining alien super-speed flight. The speed of light is surpassed in higher dimensions. Otherwise it would contradict science and would be impossible. Without the four-dimensional world and its forces galaxies would run after the Big Bang just like thrown stones with equal speed, but visible facts contradict this simplified picture of the universe and prove the truth of religions, proclaiming the existence of another world.

   The Big Bang as the start of cosmos also proves that matter was created from energy, because it could not exist in such a compressed state, practically in a zero point. And energy could. So the well-known religious belief that the world was created by light is supported by modern science too. UFO breakthrough, technological teleportation can be explain as conversion of physical matter back into energy and its emission in the form of a ray to the desired point of space, where it is converted again into physical matter.

    Science fiction must be scientific and fantasy must be spiritual, religious or it will miss the point and lead not to a space reality but to earthly illusions, reflections of limited human abilities or more exactly inabilities to solve the problems of our civilization and build a happy world. Oleg Tumanov developed both hemispheres of his brain and not only a poet but a scientist too.

He suggested hundreds of scientific ideas, such as the laser resonance nuclear fusion or the Platonic Solids structure of a nuclear reactor, but no one paid him a dollar as promised and stopped all his scientific research in a protest to the exploitation. His “allies” in the uniform stole all his ideas, including modern arms, and declared him insane to isolate from other possible allies, or sponsors, or friends. They tried to kill him as a witness of their deceit and after failure falsified the psychic examination, provoked and carried out by their agents and scared fools in his surroundings. In Russia democracy is only a slogan, reality after reforms remained the same.

        That’s why I write in English. In Russia such a story, even fantastic, under this regime can’t be published for sure and in American Internet there is a chance, at least in my site. My pseudonym for astrology and mantra-yoga in the web is Mani Padma, what means Diamond and Lotus in Sanskrit and is derived from the Tibetan mantra Om Mani Padme Hum. I could write much more about space and Tumanov’s adventures in other worlds but for the acquaintance with him that’s enough. And the continuation is his verses, written in English as an experiment to probe America. Tumanov found out that poetry there doesn’t sell and decided to fuse it with prose, a fantastic story about his life, or mine, because I am his prototype. Though I’m not sure this story will sell too. Still I experiment and hope some Americans will found it and read. And maybe appreciate it as a hint to reality that now no one dares to describe. I mean Masons and their allies. But some day the historic content of my story will be proved and my life experience won’t be lost. Omen.

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